D1NZ Round 3 Pro Sport

On the Thursday test day the team were busy pulling the gearbox out. They found we had a split hose that needed to be replaced. Got the box back in and headed onto track. Developed a misfire so we changed all our plugs leads and coils. Got some really nice wet practise laps in before qualifying on the Saturday. The Track ended up dry for qualifying. First lap felt okay ish but was ruled a 3 due to a straight line. 2nd qualifying lap we had a lead pop out after initiation. You can hear it in the video. Placed us 23rd for qualifying putting us against the lad Deane Young in the NDT 180 weapon of a car.
Track was dry and we knew that the 180 is wicked quick so gave it my all and had a beautiful straight line and just got gapped. My lead run I was going for it, locked up the hand brake and just messed it all up. Sending us on the trailer finishing 23rd for the day.

Really fun track. Would love to drive it again. After round 3 we are sitting in 11th position overall.

Huge thanks to my crew for putting in the work to get me out on track this weekend. Literally couldn’t have done it without you lads.

Thanks to – Shaun Smith, Jared Wemyss, Luke Mckinnon, Benji Atchison

Learned a lot from this round, we’re going away to play with the car and will be back and hunting some doors at Mt Smart round 4 of the D1NZ pro sport championship.

Thank you to all my sponsors and supporters. You mean the world to me and my team

#Techspan Motorsport New Zealand Limited
#Techspan Group
#V.I.P Wheel & Tyre
#ELMA Ultrasonics made in Germany
#Staubli Connectors & Couplings New Zealand
#Red Star Signs
#Christopher Maca